Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Magazine projects

In the next issue of Simply Homemade Magazine I'll be showing you in detail how to make a simple roman blind... here's a taster...


  1. Really looking forward to this one as it's something I've never tried and they really do look pretty. Can't wait for the issue to come out. Thanks Deb!

  2. Lovely looking forward to this ive always wanted to try this. Thank you Debbie ☆☆

  3. Oh I'm subscriber to that so I will be looking forward to seeing your article. I'm not sure if I will be brave enough to have a go though!
    Lynsey x

  4. Is this magazine out yet - I SEW want to make at least one - for my Bathroom, then I might have to make some for our Bedroom, and then etc......

    You know what happens once you start these things :)
